by Brenda M., Peru Team Member

What an incredible opportunity we had to serve with RiverWind our Peru mission partners! This trip focused on training community leaders in first aid and emergency medical care, and on offering Vacation Bible School to children in communities RiverWind serves. For me personally, this trip had a great impact, seeing God moving in and through many people — far more than the 12 people moved to “go” and physically be on the trip!



During the preparations and planning meetings, our team strongly desired to have this trip covered in prayer and fasting partners throughout each day of the trip. Several of our 29 praying and fasting partners shared beautiful stories of how God showed up in their quiet, prayerful, fasting day. One person shared that she was led to a few scripture verses on the day that she fasted and prayed. She felt as though God was showing her that she was present on the trip that day, and experienced God in a powerful, good, faithful way! Another prayer partner had an encouraging word that God gave her in scripture each day for a week prior to the trip.  She shared scripture, encouraging words, and songs each morning during the week prior to the team departing. God’s presence was with us through their prayers before we even left Appleton!  Some of the scripture shared with the team was:

Deuteronomy 31:8-2 “The Lord himself goes before you and will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 “Finally brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you.  And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men, for not everyone has faith.  But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.”

Personally, God showed Himself in many powerful ways. I wrestled mentally, emotionally, and physically with going on this trip – but when I sought out His will for me, I knew God was saying “go.” Even with that “go,” many fears and thoughts camped out in my mind, and each day I had to choose to rest in the faithfulness of my Father.  The burden was so small when I rested in my Father’s love, protection and provision for me, and Jesus’ words in Matthew 11:29-30 reassured me: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” I had read this verse in the past, but this time it was personal.



Setting foot in the port city of Pucallpa, the gateway to the Peruvian Amazon was exciting after I made the decision to lean in to God’s strength, courage, provision and care.  All of me had to lean into all of Him.  I experienced growth in my faith as I stepped out of my comfortable little box and experienced God in many big ways.

As I served on the medical team, I hoped that the love of Jesus was felt and known by the villagers we cared for and taught. Our team taught emergency medical training and offered opportunities for hands-on practice for leaders from many villages connected to RiverWind’s discipleship training. These community health advocates were so touched by the care for them personally, and for the chance to learn vital medical skills, that they asked if we could stay longer and teach more and come back soon with more information take back to their villages. I am praying for God to lead and direct many teams after us to teach and train these precious people who desire to care for their communities not only in discipleship training but also in health care.



The Vacation Bible School team was vibrant and energetic in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ to the children of the villages we visited. Hundreds of children throughout the villages were touched by God’s love for each of them!  Parents were also curious about the activities, crafts, songs, puppets and stayed to listen to the message of hope that Jesus gives.

At meal times, both the Peruvian team and the CTR team shared personal testimonies. God’s eternal story of pursuing us in love was unique in each person’s story of redemption in Jesus Christ.

Most mornings and every evening, the team shared devotionals, praise and worship at the RiverWind training center in Nueva Italia. The students from the villages that were receiving medical training, the Peruvian team, and the CTR team all heard the SAME word from the SAME Bible from the SAME God that we ALL worship as a community of His church. This devotion and worship time included English, Spanish, Shipibo, and Ashenika languages, gathered together as one church!

I pray and hope each person reading this has been touched by our Heavenly Father, who sees you and cares for you with an infinite love that never changes. Whether you’re in Peru, the U.S., or anywhere in His creation, John 14:6 is an invitation to you: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’”

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