Prayer Gatherings

2nd and 4th Mon. each month | 6-7:15 pm • Join us at our building to pray together for our leaders, our community, the local and global church, and other needs.

Do you need prayer?

Please share your prayer request here. During office hours, prayer requests are typically prayed for by our prayer team within 2 hours of submission. If you would like someone to call you, please also submit a contact form.



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  • Pray for mercy, forgiveness, healing, perfect health, no anxiety and never have emotional/mental problems for CJ, Betty, her sister, Steven, both mine and their families and those who wronged me.
  • I need good friends, I am a Christian and the church that I go to has no youths. I'm the only one I feel very lonely and isolated, I don't have any siblings or relative. Please I ask you to pray that God give me some good Christian friends.
  • Please pray I have the best outcome possible with this divorce. Pray it ends promptly this month without any further issues. Pray the perfect partner comes into my life so I can raise a healthy, happy and loving family. Pray all my finances are completely restored, replenished and overabundant and forever.
  • Please pray for me and my family as we are grieving the loss of my father. We are brokenhearted and devastated. Pray for my financial needs.. I am on the brink of losing my house due to a student loss of income. My financial situation has never looked so bleak and grim.
  • Our cab business stopped after COVD, then my husband was continuing working as System Admin, but he lost that job as well, then he started a service center shop, but no customer due to the location. Finally he learned share market and teacher me. Pray for us. God to show a path to survive. God to give us more knowledge in trading.
  • Pray for my son and daughter-in-law to secure well-paying job, increased salaries and hope to purchase a car and a good home, remove all sickness and depth from life.
  • Please pray for my in laws, who are in Nevada, searching for their son Ray. He has been missing for over two months. Please pray they find him and he is brought back home safely.
  • Only a miracle and divine intervention can cause my beloved to talk to me. Been a month of cold war after an argument. He is egotistical, stubborn and self righteousness. We have spent so many years of retaining our relationship and all will be lost if God is not able to awash his heart with love and humility.
  • Pray my wife Yaraldi will see, hear and feel God.
  • I write to ask for your unified prayers with our family that the Lord to get my resume in the hands of the right hiring leaders, brings to pass that I will get numerous expedited interviews. Pray God hears and answers all my prayers.