Prayer Resources

3 to 30 is a three-week prayer program designed to help you create
space for Jesus and cultivate a thriving prayer life. The program is designed for prayer groups or prayer partners, but you can also work through the program on your own.

Download 3 to 30 Workbook

Prayer Gatherings

2nd and 4th Mon. each month | 6-7:15 pm • Join us at our building to pray together for our leaders, our community, the local and global church, and other needs.

Do you need prayer?

Please share your prayer request here. During office hours, prayer requests are typically prayed for by our prayer team within 2 hours of submission. If you would like someone to call you, please also submit a contact form.



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  • Pray for my marriage. It was fixed with this guy and we both were happy and loved each other but suddenly something happened and now he's cancelling the marriage. May the Lord change his heart and mind so we can go through with the wedding as planned.  May all the negative thoughts be removed from his mind.
  • Please pray for this extremely tragic situation** A close friend shared this with me today. A young christian mother with three young children and husband died by suicide. She was suffering from postpartum depression.
  • Servants of God, I thank God for His work in your ministry my name is Mary , I need prayers for deliverance of our son Moses, he was born again at a tender age but strayed when he joined university and has been struggling with addiction to marijuana. Pray God delivers him and use him for God's glory.
  • Requesting prayer for a friend Yvonne who lives with an evil woman named Ghazal who has been taking advantage of Yvonne who is disabled. We need the help of others to pray for Yvonne to give her strength.
  • I have a brother (Abby) suffering from depression due to issues with drugs. He had stopped doing drugs for a few years, but he started gain Please pray he goes back to his sobriety. Pray for God's will be done and pray for my elderly parents and myself. Protect him from harming himself or others. God's love, protection grace and wisdom be shown to us.
  • Please pray for Collen who broke up with an unbeliever, who took him far from Jesus. May the Lord help him move on and be filled with Jesus presence.
  • Pray for my father Victor. My father is very weak due to heatstroke. He is also very tired. Pray the Lord will give him good health.
  • Pray for my husband' s job situation. His main manager and assistant manager shows favoritism. While the other workers are treated unfairly and the simplest thing they get written up for or talked to very harshly. Pray that my husband meets his sales goal and starts selling, and does the best he can.
  • if I quenched the Holy Spirit in Anyway I want him back the way he used to be when my life was surrendered fully to him. I want all my desires that are not of God to be removed from me. I want my path to be straight. I want to be righteous and my faith fully align with the Bible.
  • Me (Sarah) and my Brother (Yahshua) have our most important exams. This exam decides our future paths and colleges. I haven't been that good and want to ask Lord Jesus for his Forgiveness, Love and Mercy. I ask you to pray for us that we pass this medical exam with flying colors and get a good college.