Prayer Resources

3 to 30 is a three-week prayer program designed to help you create
space for Jesus and cultivate a thriving prayer life. The program is designed for prayer groups or prayer partners, but you can also work through the program on your own.

Download 3 to 30 Workbook

Prayer Gatherings

2nd and 4th Mon. each month | 6-7:15 pm • Join us at our building to pray together for our leaders, our community, the local and global church, and other needs.

Do you need prayer?

Please share your prayer request here. During office hours, prayer requests are typically prayed for by our prayer team within 2 hours of submission. If you would like someone to call you, please also submit a contact form.



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  • Gun bullet fired at workplace. Management refused to tell workers on the job. Father, confess their sins to you today, for things done and undone, known and unknown. Please forgive their sins and cover them in the blood of Jesus.
  • My husband and I are doing IVF for our second child after a long hard road. We suffered a miscarriage of twins. We finally moved on to IVF this year. I just had the egg retrieval this morning and they only were able to collect 2 eggs. I would like to pray that at least one of the eggs survived fertilization and grows to be a healthy embryo that we can use to have our next child and raise to love the lord.
  • I need a second job so me and mom can pay our bills. Please pray my car keeps running.
  • Please pray that everything will work out with our manufacturer for our new company. We found out today that our manufacturer is being bought out and we’re in the middle of getting our final samples completed to start production. Please pray we find the perfect partner to produce our collection.
  • Pray to lose weight and keep it off. Pray for healing for my voice God to restore it back to normal and God to increase my energy levels and pray for protection from negative thoughts and emotions.
  • My name is Shruti . Please pray for me. I m waiting on Jesus for something. Pray Jesus  that I m waiting for him and for my appointed time on God's timing together with him . And I really want all those things for which I m asking.
  • Please pray Christ move on a drug dealer out of my neighborhood.
  • I am seeking a good job and have been actively interviewing, but all the responses have been delayed. Additionally, I have been in a very painful relationship, and it has affected me mentally. I never received the love I deserved. I love him a lot and I am too scared to loose him.
  • Please pray for my family to have peace. My daughter is going through a lot and tends to take it out on me, I love her but this is damaging our relationship. Pray for me, I'm suffering from crushing loneliness, some depression and health challenges.
  • Please pray for my finances over the next couple of months. Pray as this has been a lot for us. I have limited income need help all I can get. Pray also about a couple of situations for my family. Pray God hears and answers all my prayers.