Prayer Resources

3 to 30 is a three-week prayer program designed to help you create
space for Jesus and cultivate a thriving prayer life. The program is designed for prayer groups or prayer partners, but you can also work through the program on your own.

Download 3 to 30 Workbook

Prayer Gatherings

2nd and 4th Mon. each month | 6-7:15 pm • Join us at our building to pray together for our leaders, our community, the local and global church, and other needs.

Do you need prayer?

Please share your prayer request here. During office hours, prayer requests are typically prayed for by our prayer team within 2 hours of submission. If you would like someone to call you, please also submit a contact form.



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  • Pray for Sharon who has 4th stage colon cancer. Pray that if it be God's will, that she will be fully healed this side of heaven. If God is preparing to bring Sharon home, pray for her peace and for her family to be preparing their hearts for their great loss. May God's presence be upon them.
  • Please pray for Dawn who lost her mom and is having a hard time with her loss. Pray that she will feel God's presence of peace.
  • Please pray for healing of very severe pain in my back and stomach. I've gotta take care of my sick elderly parents. I've got severe mental health issues as well. I spend most of my time praying and worshiping our savior Lord Jesus, but it seems as if I'm being tested.
  • Please pray for a woman named Debbie in Canada. She had surgery that was successful regarding removing cancer. But has been bleeding ever since. She has coded twice and survived the night. She must have another surgery, but has to stop bleeding first. She is in an induced coma and incubated. She is the fiancé of a pastor and they both need your prayers.
  • Prayer request for Anthony, blessings and covering over my life.
  • Please pray for my Wife concerning the decisions she must make about taking a new job. Please pray for the Lord to help her to have peace and be firm in negotiating the terms of her new job.
  • Pray for me, Dear Jesus, pray to set me free from Satan, and pray a salvation prayer for me. Send the evil spirit and possession Lesley out of my mind. Pray for my peace, and sleep. Pray for healing soul rape and receive my soul fragments from spiritual abduction to make me whole in Christ. Pray God hears and answers all my prayers.
  • My name is Winnie, and I live in Sydney, Australia. I'm really happy because I just passed my Australian citizenship test. Please pray that my application will get approved so I can get my Australian passport. I also just started a new job, but my manager left. Pray that I'll get a new manager who is fair and will help me do well. Pray the sales team will be nice to me and not pressure me too much.
  • Please pray for my daughter, Rophea. She needs complete healing. She is wriggling with stress and agony. Pray to heal her O Lord.
  • I am currently teaching. I want to continue on teaching the same grade so I can build my resources and better myself as a teacher. I hear that there's a chance that she can change my grade next year. I can come before God with clear conscience that I do my best at my job and I do well. Please pray for me so I keep the current position and also pray for me so my boss sees what I do and appreciates all the work I am putting in.