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There are many different accounts of the Resurrection of Christ from the dead. One of the most fascinating is the story of the 2 disciples who were on the road to Emmaus when He appeared to them. It was a 7 mile walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus. It is believed that it was in the first 5 minutes or so, this "stranger" joined them on the walk. They did not know it was Jesus. They talked the whole time, which could have been up to 3 hours. It was not until He broke bread with them once they got to their destination that they recognized it was Jesus. Some of what they talked about is recorded in the account of this story, which is exceptionally interesting. We also notice how incredibly patient Jesus was in revealing Himself to them. As you listen to this story, you will recognize ways that Jesus has been patient with each of us in revealing Himself to us and helping us discover Who He really is.