This is the second message in our Generous Love series. This message is called: Loving the Forgotten. In Matthew 25, Jesus tells of the final judgement day, when He will separate the sheep from the goats. He says to the sheep on His right, come blessed of My Father and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you before the foundation of the world. Then He explains, for when I was hungry you gave Me to eat, thirsty you gave Me to drink, naked and you clothed Me, in prison or sick and you came to visit Me. They asked Him, when did we do these things? He said every time you did these things to the least of these brothers of Mine, you did it to Me. This message explores how the compassion and love of Christ will compel us to reach out to and be involved in the lives of those who are typically forgotten and neglected.
We are beginning our Generous Love series. We love because He first loved us. We will specifically look at loving our Neighbors, the Forgotten, Co-Workers, and Family.