by Theresa Goyette
The other day I told my adult son, “We are living in an unprecedented time in history. Nothing like this has happened before in my life. Someday your kids may ask you what it was like to live during this time.” People have lived through many hard times in our nation’s history. They didn’t choose the circumstances they were born into, just as we would never choose this COVID-19 crisis. But this time and these circumstances are no surprise to God.
This week, I was reading a passage in Isaiah that is a favorite of mine:
Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts:
“I am the first and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me. 7 Who is like Me? Let him proclaim and declare it; Yes, let him recount it to Me in order, From the time that I established the ancient nation. And let them declare to them the things that are coming And the events that are going to take place. 8 ‘Do not tremble and do not be afraid; Have I not long since announced it to you and declared it? And you are My witnesses. Is there any God besides Me, Or is there any other Rock? I know of none.”
ISAIAH 44:6-8
In saying that He is first and last, God is establishing that He has always been and always will be. God alone understands the totality of history from the beginning and the events that will occur in the future. I love the way God challenges anyone to come up with a God that is anything like Him in power and strength, almost with a bit of attitude as He dares us to name anyone like Him. In saying that He is our Rock, God is reminding us of His protection, and that He is unchanging and strong.
J. Alec Motyer says that the point of this passage, “is not so much the exposure of false gods as the demonstration of the glory of the true God and therefore the security of His people.”
In my fears and struggles, I sometimes turn to other people or things first before going to Him. These words remind me of how futile and foolish it is to try to find my security in anything other than Him.
To help deepen my understanding of God’s Word, I like to write out passages of Scripture in my own words and in ways that have meaning to me. I encourage you to try doing that sometime. You can do that with this passage or another one that is a favorite of yours. Here is how I captured this passage in my own words. I hope it inspires you to try something similar.
I Know of None
Is there any other god who was present before time began and who will be present at the end of time?
Is there any other god who can call all things into existence and then cause them to cease to exist? Is there any other god?
I know of none.
Is there any other who has authored the past and can recite every detail of history in order and to whom I can trust every detail of the future?
I know of none.
Is there any other I can turn to with my fears and thoughts?
Who else forgives me over and over again and gives me rest?
Who turns my doubts and my questions into peace?
Is there anyone else who can? Well, is there?
I know of none.
Is there any other Rock- immoveable, unchanging, ever-faithful protector, provider and friend?
I know of none.
Because there is none.
You alone, are God.
Prayer: LORD, we are thankful that you have been ever-present throughout history and you are present in our circumstances today. We can trust you with the future. Help us to turn to You for our security and to bring You our fears. You are our protector, provider and friend. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Theresa has done a wonderful job in this devotional!!